GedWiz Downloads

Do you wish to download a trial version or the paid version of GedWiz?

This is a free, trial, 30 day feature-restricted version of the product.

If you subsequently buy a license for the paid version you will be sent a product key. Simply enter the code into the installed software to enable the paid-only features (use the Enter Product Key option on the Help menu).

To use the licensed (paid) version of GedWiz you need to first obtain install codes, which you can do by purchasing a license if you have not already.

These are supplied once your paid order is processed.

The paid version removes the following limitations of the free trial:

  • Tables, reports and export limits are removed
  • It is not limited to 30 days use - depending on which license option you choose, you will be able to use it for up to 1 year or perpetually (whilst your computer and operating system allows)