Video: Searching, Filtering, Grouping and Marking

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This video demonstrates how to search, filter, group and mark rows in GedWiz.

0:14 Searching 2:52 Hiding unmarked records 5:44 Turning off grouping
1:24 Filtering 3:09 Turning off hidden records 5:52 Grouping place names
1:56 Customizing the search/filter text colors 3:17 Grouping 6:48 Grouping with date columns
2:18 Turning off filtering 4:58 Exporting grouped records 7:22 Grouping with century and decade columns
2:25 Marking records 5:11 Sorting groups by size 8:13 Marking grouped records
2:39 Navigating between marked records 5:30 Exporting group names
Video size: Max · 1280x720 · 640x360

See Also: Overview Play Video, Customizing Columns Play Video, Exporting Data Play Video

For a full list of videos see the main videos page.